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    Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Guess where I'll be this weekend?

    If you guessed at a Re-enactment, you're RIGHT! :)
    I'm finally heading back to Fort Tejon for a Civil War re-enactment! (It's been way too long since I last made the trek up there.) And I'm super excited that I get to cook in the Officer's Headquarter's KITCHEN!! An actual Kitchen with a Hearth (i.e. Fireplace)!

    No, I'm not cooking ALL the meals for our group this weekend (Yay for learning from the past!), but I did sign up to cook at least one - Saturday Supper (evening meal).

    Right now I'm debating between 2 meals & can't make up my mind which I'd rather make (assuming I have cookware - dutch ovens/kettles - large enough to cook these):

    1st Option: Apples & Buttons ("Schnitz un Knepp") or Dried Apple Schnitz. German/Swish dish.
    >Cook a ham (on a bone) for 2 hrs with dried apples (that have soaked overnight) & brown sugar. Serve with Potatoes (boiled or baked) and Corn (I'm thinking of buying frozen kernals & cooking them up in a skillet). Possibly serve also with biscuits available.

    2nd Option: Stewed Chicken & Dumplings.
    >like the name says - whole chicken cooked (stewed) in a pot with fresh-made dumplings. Haven't though out yet what to serve with it...probably same as above for rest (Boiled Potatoes & Corn).

    Both of these are assuming there's a pot (dutch oven or kettle) that's big enough for me to put a whole chicken or a ham bone into it for cooking on the fire/hearth, of course. Considering the weather forecast for this weekend, they both sound nice & warm (besides tasty!) for a chill evening in the middle of a Mountain Pass. :)

    So....what do YOU guys think? (Especially those of you that might be eating with me ;-). Time to voice your opinion while I'm making up my mind. Anyone have a preference for one over the other?

    Time is of the essence since the event is THIS WEEKEND and I'm driving up to the Fort on Friday, so I gotta make up my mind soon. :)

    Oh, and I'm debating if I should volunteer for a 2nd meal....hmm....