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    Showing posts with label Day Off. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Day Off. Show all posts

    Friday, December 30, 2011

    Day Off = Welcome Free Time!

    My last day of official On-The-Job Work was yesterday (Work is Closed today!), which means:
    I HAVE A DAY OFF!! Woo hoo!!

    What to do with myself? There are  SOOO many choices, I can't decide.

    I have cooking I can do and recipe research....especially now that I'm having to move to a more whole-foods, non-processed food diet - kinda the like the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) [think grain-free, lactose-free, sugar-free, etc.]. So I'm looking at various recipes geared for the SCD.

    Tangent Warning:
              Its very interesting to see how much I've improved health wise now that I've extremely limited my grains - no, I haven't cut them completely - in the last few weeks, plus I've upped my fresh veggies and fruit, and nixed refined sugar (except for a couple of splurges - like a chocolate or two on Boxing Day with Family :). Not that I've gone overboard with honey or molasses as alternative sweeteners right now. Just cutting the sugar. Its AMAZING how much of our (American) food products have sweeteners - we as a society have so gotten used to sweet things!
          Between the new diet, and going twice a week to see an Acupuncturist (who's also a Herbalist & Nutritionist - she does a blending of practicing Eastern & Western medicine basically, and I highly recommend her! Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L.Ac., PhD - OC Acupuncture), taking the ground Herbs (blend of Evergreen Herbs mixed by Dr. Albertson) in my tea, I'm definitely seeing positive changes. I'm sure some of it is due to the fact that I'm just getting "down time" at the Acupuncturist visits (yay for relaxation time :). One immediately noticeable change is that my Adult Acne (which has gotten worse in the last few years) has drastically improved! YAY! (Who knew/guessed that it was a reaction to bacteria caused by my body not being able to process certain foods/things? My dermatologist sure didn't!) Anyways, there's other benefits/reasons that I don't feel like going into on this blog posting, but this certainly is a good start. Hopefully will have a much HEALTHIER year in 2012! :)
    End of Tangent 

    Let's see, I could also spend time baking, since I never did do any baking of Christmas/Holiday cookies (I'll have to give away the majority of what I make, but the baking itself is fun - plus it smells wonderful :).

    I could spend some much-needed time sewing (way too many current projects to list right now :) - or Knitting. (I'm currently trying my hand knitting a Sontag or Bosom Friend  from an 1860 pattern...with a little help from someone who's already tried it and written her notes/translation to the pattern: posted here )

    Of course, there are a TON of flicks in the movie theaters right now that I really want to see. (Finally!! There was a long stretch of "eh, no really that interested in spending my money on that movie" - besides my being super busy :).

    My list of Movies currently in theaters (some for not much longer, some just released, listed in no particular order) that I want to see:

    1) The Artist;
    2) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy;
    3) Adventures of Tin Tin
    4) Hugo
    5) Muppets
    6) Mission Impossible: GP
    7) War Horse
    8) J. Edgar
    9) My Week with Marilyn
    10) Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
         (Yes, I've seen the Swedish films - guess its time to see how the US version holds up :)
    11) Puss in Boots (still playing in my local Cheap/$2 theater :)

    I started Movie Weekend last night with "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" (Yes, the current Twilight Movie - no judging! :).

    I think I may try to see the Muppets & Hugo today (since they've been out longer and have limited show times).

    So many things to possibly do! Love it! :)