So since she couldn't find anyone else in the short time frame (literally hours) before she had to pick George up from the vet and she didn't want to Euthanize him, I agreed to temporarily foster him.
Which means by that Saturday evening (5/18) I had a new (albeit temporary) Roommate!
Everyone, meet George the Cat.
Mostly this past week he's been locked in my bathroom, but I am happy to report that he is definitely litter box trained (only 1 non-litter box incident that first day/night but no problems since that time). He's mostly been hiding in the "cave" I made from taking out the bottom drawer of a plastic 3 drawer bin and putting his bed there instead, but I attribute a lot of that to all the changes he's had recently. I know he's definitely gotten used to the 'morning routine' I started as he now braves coming out of the cave to meow at me if he thinks I'm too slow in putting his food out for him. :) About mid last week I even started keeping the bathroom door open (while I was home) to see if he would venture out and explore, but so far he sticks to the 'comfort' of the cave in the bathroom.
Unfortunately, I cannot adopt him permanently (various reasons) so I thought I'd advertise through my blog & other social media and see if anyone I know (or acquainted with online) would be interested in adopting a really nice (& mellow) grown cat? Anyone? He just can't be around other cats and needs to stay indoors. (And he has 1 more flea/mite treatment coming up in less than a week, but then he's done.)
Would anyone in the Orange County/Los Angeles/San Diego area be interested in adopting him? (Soon?)
The few supplies (litter box, couple of toys, bed, food etc. ) that I have for him would definitely go with him.
Please message me (Twitter/Facebook etc.) for more details if you're interested.
Twitter: @MarcailGaelyn
Facebook: rebecca.thelin.5
Thanks!! :)