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    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    Rebecca Trivia (from the party)

    As promised, here's the Rebecca Trivia quesitons...and answers are provided a bit further on for those that want to check their results.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Rebecca Trivia
    1) 1st Camping Trip:
    (a) How old was she? _______
    (b) Where? __________

    2) 1st Book Series Read: ____________

    3) By 6th grade she’d read all of these books: _________________

    4) A favorite pastime (quoting from movies) may have started at age 4 when she played a scene from Star Wars IV over & over. She would laugh hilariously at Princess Leia’s words: ____________________________________________________________ (referring to Chewbacca.)


    5) Cookie

    6) Cake

    7) Other Dessert

    8) Fashion Accessory

    9) Computer Game (especially to quote from)

    10) Place to Visit

    11) Family vacation

    12) As part of Camp Cherith’s CILT program, she became certified in
    (a) _____________, (b) _____________, and (c) ________________.

    13) Where did she celebrate her 21st birthday with friends? _____________

    14) She’s traveled through ______ states.

    15) For Christmas a few years ago, she was excited to receive a book entitled “The History of _____________."

    Aliases / Characters:

    16) BIOLA Star Wars Club: ___________

    17) Star Wars RPG (main one): __________

    18) Rebecca, Gretchen & Rebekah were known as _______________

    19) Camp Cherith (stafff/counselor name): __________

    20) Oak Street (Civil War Reenacting): _________________


    21) Name 2 of Rebecca’s favorite books that were mentioned in the movie “You’ve Got Mail.”
    (a) ___________________ and (b) _____________________

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    (Scroll further below)

    (keep scrolling =)

    1 - (A) 9 months, (B) Yosemite
    2 - Little House on the Prairie
    3 - Nancy Drew
    4 - "Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?"
    5 - Chocolate Chip (fresh)
    6 - Angel Food
    7 - Lemon Squares
    8 - HATS
    9 - Curse of Monkey Island (aka CMI, #3 in the Monkey Island Series by LucasArts)
    10 - Lake District, UK
    11 - Yosemite
    12 - (A) First Aid, (B) Archery, & (C) Leathercraft
    13 - Disneyland
    14 - 20 (states)
    15 - Underclothes (The History of Underclothes)
    16 - Tionne (Jedi Knight, Keeper of Jedi Lore =)
    17 - Marcail Gaelyn (pronounced Mar' kail)
    18 - The Evil Trio
    19 - Mocki (short for Mockingbird)
    20 - Violet (Elizabeth) Johnson
    21 - (A) Pride & Prejudice, & (B) Ballet Shoes.

    Monday, September 22, 2008

    Birthday Party Reflections

    Well, Saturday (9/20) was the BIG party. :)

    A lot of friends from all sorts of times in my life were able to attend, which was a blast!

    Upon entering, there was a power point presentation playing in the background, cycling through photos from various points in my life. We also had a photo area with a backdrop & everything so we could get everyone's (or as many people as we could) photo. Hopefully each person who we took a photo of also remembered to fill out an envelope with their name & address so we can mail them a copy of the photo.

    To download and see the power point presentation that was playing during the party (with pictures of myself at various ages), click on this link
    and you'll be redirected to where the file has been uploaded for sharing.

    We also had a table set up with scrapbooking supplies and a started "Rebecca's Scrapbook" (favorite memories & the like) so that people could work on and add in their own pages to the scrapbook. (Neat idea, isn't it? =)

    So anyways, we started the night off with a game. Each person was given a name (taped to his/her back) and had to ask questions of others (yes/no answers) to determine what character (or group, as the case may be) they were. All the characters tied in to something I liked or interested me. =) Once someone guessed (succesffully) who they were, they got to go post the card with the name to the "Who Am I?" board and grab an old-fashioned soda from the cooler nearby as a prize. Everyone really enjoyed this game. Some had a harder time than others guessing - even I was stumped for quite some time as I kept not asking the *right* questions to guess my character - but eventually all were guessed.


    We also had a round of "Rebecca Trivia" while we were eating dinner to see which friends know some random stuff about me. It was quite fun, especially when it came time to reveal the answers and for some of the more obvious questions people shouted out (sometimes in unison) the answer. For fun, I'll post the questions (and answers) in another blog posting later today.

    After dinner, it was time for the cake (and the singing of Happy Birthday, etc.). While they didn't put 30 candles in my cake (a yummy carrot cake from Costco, with Burgandy & Lemon yellow flowers), they did arrange some tall sparkly - and very hard to blow out, occasionally relighting - candles in the shape of a 3 and a 0.

    It is a quandry of how to have enough breath to blow out two sets of candles, space a distance apart, when one is consistently short of breath due to laughing so hard! =)

    (Note to friends: it is awfully hard to blow out candles when you guys keep making me laugh!!! =)

    So anyways, the candles were eventually blown out, and now it was time to cut the cake (and other desserts) and start the dancing!

    We started off the dancing with the Grand March (which is a Victorian dance, in Promedade position). I got to lead off the dance with my father as my dance partner. =) I believe we did another Victorian dance afterwards, although I can't recall the name right now, and it was around then that we paused for a brief dessert break. I ended up gabbing most of the break, so I only got about 1 or two bites of my carrot cake before I was back on the dancefloor.

    The dances varied between English Country Dances and later Victorian ones (called by different people). Both styles of dancing are two of my favorites, which is why they were included at my party.

    Of the English Country dances, I know we got to dance the following:

    *Auretti's Dutch Skipper

    *Trip to Paris

    *Mr. Beveridge's Maggot

    *The Dressed Ship

    *Irish Lamentation

    I really like all of the above, but I ESPECIALLY like "Trip to Paris", "Mr. Beveridge's Maggot" and "Irish Lamentation".

    And to finish of the dancing for the evening (since the sound guy would leave at 9pm) we finished things off with a rousing Virginia Reel!

    The only downside to the entire dancing/evening was the fact that I had worn silly (cute, but useless) shoes on Thursday night when I went out to dinner with friends...and ended up having to walk a distance in them at one point which gave me huge blisters! (The walking part was certainly not planned when I had picked out the shoes, obviously). So I danced as many dances as I could (sometimes not as quickly/gracefully as I would have liked ;-), but I managed to dance them all the same. And later on, after the sound guy was gone, and the English Country dance caller had gotten out his portable sound system (which was really cool, by the way!), some of the others did a really neat advanced dance that was just fun to watch as the couples glided gracefully from form to form.

    Eventually the party did break up (around 10pm?) as people started to collect up their items and make their way home. A few folks stayed around to help clean up, which was fantastic. (Thank you!!) Everyone was out of there around 11pm and we called it a night.

    And that's the end of my retelling of the Becky's Great 30th Birthday Bash!


    Thanks again for everyone who was involved in setting up such a wonderful birthday party...and thanks to all who were able to attend it!


    Sunday, September 21, 2008

    Rebecca's 30th Birthday Party

    Originally uploaded by

    Just wanted to share with you a picture of the Welcome sign at my 30th Birthday party. Isn't it great?

    Thursday, September 18, 2008

    Happy Birthday to Me!

    Yup, TODAY is the Day! I turn 30! Wow!

    Where does the time go?

    Anyways, for those that care to know when during the day I was actually born, it was at 5:00pm.

    Well, I'm about to go to lunch and meet up with my friend Jenn Mulvey at Durty Nelly's (Irish pub down the street from my work), which is one of my favorite restaurants.

    And hopefully I'll get to meet up with some new friends in LA (area) for dinner. (Plans are still in the works - it was a last minute suggestion of mine =).

    Ok. Must dash so I can get to the Pub for lunch! Later!

    ---and if Jeff Rosbrugh is reading this: Happy Birthday Jeff! (It's a great day to have a birthday, isn't it? =).

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    A Brilliant Time at the Jeeves & Wooster Party

    So, yesterday I was the Jeeves & Wooster Party up in the Los Angeles area. I unfortunately arrived late as I was *still sewing* my outfit until 1:30pm (after working non-stop on my new blouse & skirt for the past few days) and the party started at 12:30pm...but I did *eventually* make it to the party! And pretty much, that's really all that counts! That and the fact that I had a blast!

    Ok, so I was pretty much a fly on the wall for the first 1/2 hour I was there, but I was soaking it all in, trying to figure out who was who and what was going on. Eventually I did get to interact with a few people and I even participated in the Turtle Roulette! I didn't win, but on the 2nd round I was pretty close. The turtle headed straight for the number *next* to mine (and Jenn Mulvey. Bully for her!).

    When I arrived, many of the partygoers were in the midst of playing Find the Shoe. A hillarious game in which the players divide into teams, all the shoes are piled together in a center area (like on a blanket) on the lawn, and the teams are lined up a few feet away. The first person in each line has to race to the pile and find one of his/her shoes and race to put on one shoe (tied/laced) and run back into his/her line while tagging the next person in his/her line to go and find his/her shoe. Each team members goes through twice in order to find and put on both pairs of shoes. The first team to have both pairs of shoes on each team member (with the correct shoes, and actually laced on, not just sort-of on =) wins! It was hillarious watching the participants play *in character*.


    Included in this post is a picture of my completed outfit. I gave my camera to someone else so I could be sure to get one photo of me all dressed up on my camera. Chaz was taking tons of photos throughout the party, so I'm sure he has some great ones that he'll be posting to his website shortly.

    To wrap up the party, one of the organizers held a recap session, to see which of the characters met their goals for the afternoon/party. While I missed a good deal of the party, it was certainly entertaining hearing about what happened during the recap!

    Afterwards, I helped clean up and then went to dinner with some of the other participants, so I could get to know them. (Hey, I drove all the way out to this place dressed up, and I wanted to make the drive worth it since I was late and missed a good portion of the party! =). We went to dinner at Dinah's (or was it Dinnah's?) on Centinella not to far from the 405. I had to try the 'Special Recipe' Fried chicken that they're apparently famous for, and I gotta say, it wasn't too bad. I meant to take home my leftovers (I had a small amount) and forgot the container on the table. Doh!
    Anyways - the conversation during the meal (and before and afterwards) was a riot! We laughed so much (and so loudly)! It was splendid! Good food and good company always is a great time! Eventually, we did have to all leave, as some of us still had some traveling to do (like me!) and all of us had work in the morning.

    Monday, September 08, 2008

    Update on the Aparment Remodel

    So, when I got home today, I had a few nice and not so nice surprises.

    The Good:

    1) My stove is back in its spot and hooked up. Yea! I can now use it to make myself some dinner! (Besides the fact that I can walk on the Kitchen floor again, to get to the pots, pans, dishes, sink, etc.).

    2) They already put up the new door that will separate the remodeled bathroom from the master bedroom (my bedroom). It's kinda nice NOT to look at the mess in there. =)

    The Bad:

    The DID NOT move the fridge back into the kitchen yet...which would be ok, I guess, except that they had told me it'd be back in place at some point today...and the fact that when I came home, I could not longer hear the hum of the fridge's motor. (It's a faint humm, but its usually there, and it lets me know it really is plugged in, etc. =). Not hearing that electrical hum is certainly not a good sign! Don't know if its just being really quite, or if something is actually wrong with it.


    And of course, as expected...there's fine dust (construction dust, not 'normal' dust =) everywhere. The landlord said that he'd have them put up plastic sheeting over stuff, so I was expecting that I'd come home to plastic covered piles in my room....only I didn't. No plastic sheeting whatsoever. Great! My computer, sewing machine, and other elctronics are in my bedroom and I'm sure that construction dust isn't THAT incredibly helpful to these highly sensitive elctronic systems. ;^)

    Oh well.

    I must get going - gotta see if there's something easy I can fix for dinner...and if there's anything (leftovers) in my fridge that's still edible after having no use of my kitchen to prepare things for a week.



    p.s. - a couple of minutes after I wrote this, I stuck my ear literally against the fridge...and I finally heard a soft humming. Yea! What a relief. (Of course, I did play with the plug to really make sure that it was actually plugged wall outlet...which is hidden directly behind a large piece of furniture...where else would it be? =)

    Saturday, September 06, 2008

    sewing progress (9/6/08)

    Well, clock's ticking down, and I'm running out of time to make my new outfit (1930s) for the upcoming Jeeves & Wooster party. Having to deal with the remodel of my kitchen, the laundry closet, & the hall bathroom has been fun...and now the focus is about to switch the bathroom attached to the Master Bedroom. (My room). Ack! That means not only do I have to stop & pack up practically EVERYTHING in my bathroom (including the seperate vanity) area, and find a spot to put all the packed up stuff), I have to clear away things around the bathroom and through the center of the room (so they can get things in and out of there). Just what I needed right now. When I COULD be sewing!

    Fun, right?

    So anyways...after taking time on Friday and Saturday morning to pack up a lot of stuff, I buckled down to tracing out my patterns onto banner papper (so I could make my modifications later on that pattern piece, instead of the original). While I was working, I decided for the heck of it to use my camera's self timer and take a photo of me working. Brilliant! :D So included in this post is one of my two self-shots. (Yeah, I looked at the camera for this one. So what? Who cares, really? LOL! =).

    Friday, September 05, 2008

    DMV Visit - Done!

    Well, that was relatively painless. Had an appointment at the DMV for 8:45am. Showed up at 8:40am and got in line for Information, since there wasn't anywhere else to ask where to go if you already had an appointment. (Apparently, I could have skipped the line and gone to the OTHER side of the desk - with the other cutters - to say I have an appoinment so they could just issue me a number).

    Anyways, I stood in line till about 8:46am, got my number...and then sat and waited for them to call my number to the next available window. (I was #F016 and ended up at window #18).

    Paid my renewal fee, updated my info, and got my temporary re-issued license that I then took over to the Photo line...where I got to wait in a new line to get my photo taken. That went relatively quickly, at least. (It helped when another lady stepped in to take photos/operate the machine when the previous gal had to step away to help someone waiting for assistance in the written test section nearby).

    After signing my name in the electronic signature reader, getting my right thumbprint taken (scanned) and my picture taken (without glasses!!), I was all done and ready to leave.


    And it was only like 9:20am. Not too bad for the DMV.

    Off to the DMV

    Well, its time for me to renew my Driver's License...and I've used up all my renewals by this morning I'm off to the DMV (for my 8:45am appointment) to get my license renewed, which will involve a vision test this time around, in addition to getting a tumb-print taken as well as a new photo taken for my liscense.

    It's about time for a new photo. My old one is from when I was 17...and looked about 12 or 13!


    Thursday, September 04, 2008

    The Disaster Zone known as Home

    So, just so you guys can actually SEE what I came home to today, I took pictures. Yup, that's right, Pictures! (I'll attach one here, but the rest will be on my Flickr and Facebook accounts =).

    I walked in and it was a COMPLETE mess with large appliances all over the main room living/dining room, trash left out (they obviously ate In In Out for lunch since there's leftover fries and drinks lying about), and just generally mess everywhere.

    Oh, and they forgot to flush my toilet. Ugh!!!! At least remember to flush!

    I can deal with most of that...but the one thing that REALLY got to me was the fact that they butted up the stove against the refrigerator SO THAT I CAN'T ACCESS THE FRIDGE OR ANYTHING IN IT! Sheesh!

    Obviously I won't be cooking any dinner tonight (wish I had known before I came home), but the fact that I can't even get into my fridge for cold water or to put away leftovers from buying dinner? Awful! (I managed to manhandle...with my one good arm... the stove out far enough from the fridge so I could get my water cup out, which I had placed in there before I left for work this morning. Then I took pictures, so you'll see the stove out as far as I could push it by myself).


    Landlord just showed up a couple of minutes ago to check on the status of everything. And when I complained about the stove in the way of the fridge, he helped me move it out of the way enough so I can get to it. So something positive. =).

    My "Jeeves & Wooster" Party Character

    Hi All! I was finally inspired to write (or flesh out) my character for the Jeeves & Wooster party that's coming up (Sept 14th!!). I worked on it last night (especially on my drive home - itsn't it great how some things will just come to you while you're stuck in traffic) and I'm quite pleased with the final result. I've just emailed it off to the event organizers. Yea! Now to work on the actual outfit I'm wearing. (Got the pattern, need to go buy the fabric, make a mock-up, and the quickly sew the real thing! Whew!).

    So, in the meantime, enjoy my character submission for the J&W party!


    Mabel Agnes Jones

    Original Submission:
    My real name: Rebecca Thelin
    My desired character name: Mabel A. (Agnes) Jones
    Desired level of involvement: 2 (Background Plot)
    At least two events that you would like to play: Croquet, Toss Across, Three-Legged Race, Cake Baking.
    Anything else about your character that you think we should know: Single gal

    - - - - NEW STUFF - - - -

    Mabel is a typist/secretary who works in London. She is 29 years old, single, and shares a flat with a fellow typist/secretary named Helen Smith. [Both Mabel and Helen despise her landlady’s pet cat and would keep a dog if they were allowed one in the flat…and if they could afford one]. On weekdays, both she & Helen take the train in together to the City, although they do not necessarily take the same train home again.

    In her spare time, Mabel enjoys dancing and croquet, as well as a few more homely pursuits such as reading, baking, and gardening (when possible).

    She is currently on holiday in the county parish, visiting her Aunt & Uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Hamblin, who run a local shop in the village. While she is on Holiday, Mabel hopes to have a splendid visit with her mother’s sister’s family, take in the country air (while briskly walking about the country lanes)…and hopefully meet an eligible (and potentially rich) beau.

    Other Misc. details: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair complexion, & about 5’8” tall. (My own info, obviously! =).

    Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Photos from HB - Uploaded to Flickr

    FYI -

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Rebecca Thelin <>
    Date: Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:08 PM
    Subject: Photos from HB - Uploaded to Flickr
    To: Historical Citizens

    Hi everyone!
    Photos taken on my camera (not necesarily by the camera was left out and I know that it was used by *at least* Maegen in addition to myself) during the Huntington Beach Civil War Days weekend have been uploaded to the Group's Flickr site.
    I'll probably upload some pictures to the yahoogroups album later tonight. But for now, feel free to check out the HCA flickr group for Huntington Beach Photos.

    aka - Miss Violet Johnson, Johnson Oak Inn (47 Oak St)

    Tuesday, September 02, 2008

    Visiting Grandpa Art (9/1/08)

    Grandpa Art
    Originally uploaded by

    Here's a photo of my Grandpa Art from my visit yesterday.

    He wasn't looking to well when we first arrived, but he sure perked up when just about all the grandkids showed up. =) We all chatted and talked away the afternoon, stopping to play a few rounds of Rumikub (team playing so we could get more people in on the game), and then enjoying some home-made chicken soup with salad and watermellon for dinner.

    All it all it was a great time spent visiting. Hopefully his Kidneys will improve, but as he keeps reminding us, he's in the Lord's hands.

    Monday, September 01, 2008

    Aftermath of HB & Update on Grandpa

    Just a quick update...

    We had a GREAT weekend. =) I'm quite tired, and still 'recovering', but all in all it was a great weekend. Saturday we got to do a lot of first person interaction, the Presidential Dinner went off splendidly (all the guests said they enjoyed themselves tremendously), and while the weather was hot & humid, it was much more bearable than previous years.

    I'm sure I & a few of the other leaders will write up an official After Action Report (AAR) soon, but I just wanted to post *something* now.

    But now I have to get ready to leave. My folks and I will be traveling down to my grandparents in Escondido, where we'll meet up with my sister and her husband. We're pretty much all going to say goodbye to my grandfather, who's not expected to last out the week. (My aunt is VERY upset since she's been doing research and she's convinced that the reason he's declining so fast right now - I think his kidneys are failing, is what I heard - is due to a few of the drugs he's been given are interacting adversely with each other). So, we're all changing our previous plans for today to go visit with him (and my grandmother and aunt) for the day to pretty much say goodbye. (I was told last night over dinner, after packing up from the event, that he's not expected to last the week which is why my own plans of dealing with the aftermath of the mess from the HB event is now put on hold so I can go visit my grandpa one last time). It still hasn't quite hit me yet...but I'm sure it will soon. I've been lucky up to now to have BOTH sets of my grandparents alive and well. Sadly, nothing lasts forever, though.

    Well, I must end this now so I can go finish getting ready. I need to leave in a couple of minutes.