Renaissance Pleasure Faire
Irwindale, CA
On April 27th the Mulveys (Bryce & Jennifer) and I visited the Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale, CA. While we were originally planning on dressing up (in Elizabethan/Renaissance working class garb), due to various circumstances such as the incredibly hot weather and not enough sewing time, we ended up going in 'normal' clothing. All in all, it was probably the best choice as we were WAY more comfortable in our normal clothing with the blazing heat that we were experiencing that day. (I'm guessing it might have reached 100 degrees in Irwindale, but I never did look up what the actual temperature was that day).
Anyways, I was running a bit late from a few factors (including the late night coffee I had before I gave up on trying to finish my outfit in time), but I finally made it to the Mulvey's house in Buena Park about 50 minutes after our original meeting up time so we could carpool to the Faire. (Sorry Jenn & Bryce!!). Once I arrived, they piled in and we set off! Only thing - a few minutes later the realization dawned that their printed eTickets were still at home! After turning around and retrieving said tickets, we were on our way again!
Upon our arrival at the Faire-grounds (Santa Fe Recreational Park), we entered the line of cars paying the $8 parking fee and followed the rest of the vehicles as we made our way through the tall grass on some dirt & gravel packed roads to the Parking Area.

Exiting the vehicle we could feel the heat already beating down upon us as it was already around 11am. This year the Faire went with an earlier year in Queen Elizabeth's reign and modeled the faire around the Port town of Deptford. Therefore, they decorated the Faire with more 'pirate' and seaport town items, including the Mast of a ship at the front entrance.
Immediately upon entering the Faire, we discovered that the Queen was visiting St. Ives. (St. Ives is the guild/group of artisans and actors that are immediately next to the entrance of the Faire). I've included one my photos of her visit at the top of this post. =)
Proceeding along through the Faire, we passed many a stall selling various interesting (and some not so interesting) wares to the public, as well as the Glass Blower, some musicians performing live music, and some odd oversized puppets(?) 'walking' around. Eventually, we made it to the Food area and settled down in the shade to eat some treats. Of course we had to have Steak on a Stake! (So Yummy). While Jenn & Bryce ate Baked Potatoes, I went and tried the Toad in a Hole. I must say it was quite tasty. (I've usually stuck to ordering Shepherds Pie at Ren Faire, so I'm glad I decided to try something new). And, since I love eating roasted corn, I had to try the Ren Faire's version as well. (Side Note: I like the OC Fair's roasted corn more!

After our repast, we headed off to see one of the Shows! Next up - the Bold & Stupid Men show! However, we had a bit of time to kill before the show actually started, so we leisurly strolled to the stage (Drake's Golden Hinde Stage), passing a new area with Reptiles, someone giving Free Italian Advice, the Queen's Court and ended up at the Equine Guild. We loved looking at all of the horses, but I believe our favorites were the Irish Gypsy horses.

Soon enough, it was time for the "
Bold and Stupid Men" show to start. Now, I gotta say, I absolutely LOVE this show. I see it every year that I come to Faire. It just isn't Ren Faire for me unless I see the "Bold and Stupid Men", "Broon", and "MooNiE the Magnif’Cent". =) And even though the Bold & Stupid Men show is the same each time, it's still great. However, THIS time, our show was slightly different due to the fact that at one point when they asked a question to the audience, Bryce stood up and yelled an answer. The audience just about died laughing! It was great!! =)

Next on our list of shows to see was a new entry to the Faire: "
Merlin's Magic, Mirth, and Imagination". It was held at the Corazon Stage, if I recall correctly. Overall, the show was ok. Nothing spectacular with the 'magic' tricks (pretty standards ones involving cards, rings, etc.) But what really made this show enjoyable (and stand out) was one of the kids that was picked to 'assist' the magician. He was a crack up! (He was 9 and was so embarrassed!).
After the Magician, we headed back to the Food Area as our next Show (also new to Faire this year) was at the Maybower Stage. Since we arrived early, we got a few drinks (Ice Tea & Water for me - it was HOT that afternoon!) and settled in at the stage to watch the end of the show currently in progress: Capoeira Batuque (I think). I gotta say, we were pleasantly surprised by the show.
The photo above is a bit blurry, but you get the idea.
Soon, our show - "Adam Crack-Whip Master" - started and it was Great! I even took a short video of a portion of his show. At one point, he asked for a volunteer and this lady a few rows ahead of us just practically bounded up out of her seat. LOL!
He had her put on protective grear (leather gloves and earphones) and hold out a piece of celery at arm's distance from herself. He then proceeded to cut down the celery bit by bit using a bulwhip. It was amazing! =)

After the Whip demonstration/show, we wandered on back to the Fool's Stage to catch
Broon's show and then MooNiE's. Broon's show was a bit delayed as the Queen's Parade through the street was supposed to happen *any moment* (right as his show was scheuduled to start) so he didn't want to have to start his show, stop for the parade to pass, and attempt to pick up the energy of the show right where he left off. Good call! And besides, we enjoyed his improv/vamping beforehand. Definitely a fun show! (Of course, I *always* enjoy his show).

Here's a photo of Jenn & I as we waited during the break before the next show.

Next up, on the same stage, was
MooNiE the Magnif’Cent. Another staple of "Must See" shows at Ren Faire. MooNiE only uses whistles and gestures while he performs his show. It's great! Oh, and for part of the last act of the show, he picks a 'volunteer'/assistant from the audience to help him out. And guess who he picked? Bryce!! It was great! I got tons of photos of that (of course)! Jenn & I were laughing so hard, I had tears in my eyes at one point.

After MooNiE's show, we were done for the day and headed out. Although I got distracted by an artist/vendor with Tall Ship's paintings for sale (and good quality print reporoductions of his paintings). They practically had to drag me away from that stall! But I really did like that painting of the Cutty Sark. It was amazing!
Anyways, that was our Day at Faire. Incredibly HOT, but a lot of fun. (Too bad I ended up with a sinus headache later on that evening from all the dust/stuff in the air. But it was worth the great day at the Faire with my friends).
For more photos ('cause YES, I of course took a *LOT* of photos), please see my Flickr site:
Ren Faire 2008 (set)