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    Monday, March 31, 2008

    Patrice's 60th Birthday Party

    Originally uploaded by

    Here's a photo of myself, Patrice, Lana, & Jen R. posing at Patrice's big 60th Birthday Bash.

    This was the first time I had even attempted to do up my hair in a period style after I cut and layered it! What a nightmare...especially since I was trying to do it myself. (Its a lot easier to manage short/layered hair if *someone else* is styling it, or helping).

    And the grand total of bobby pins stuck in my head that afternoon/evening was...

    114 bobbypins in my hair!

    (And 69 of those where on the right side of my head).

    Ouch! (No wonder my head was hurting).

    But anyways, it was a neat party, and it was fun to hang out with a variety of other people while dressed up.

    I've got more pictures posted on my Flicker account. To view them, please go here:
